module – Gather information about CDP DataFlow ReadyFlow Definitions
This module is part of the collection (version 2.5.1).
It is not included in ansible-core
To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list
To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install
You need further requirements to be able to use this module,
see Requirements for details.
To use it in a playbook, specify:
Gather information about CDP DataFlow ReadyFlow Definitions
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter |
Comments |
Specify the Cloudera Data Platform endpoint region. Default: |
Capture the CDP SDK debug log. Choices:
If set to false, only a summary of each ReadyFlow Definition is returned Choices:
If a name is provided, that DataFlow ReadyFlow Definition will be described |
If provided, the CDP SDK will use this value as its profile. |
Verify the TLS certificates for the CDP endpoint. Choices:
This feature this module is for is in Technical Preview
# Note: These examples do not set authentication details.
# List summary information about all Custom DataFlow ReadyFlow Definitions
# Gather summary information about a specific DataFlow Flow Definition using a name
name: my-flow-name
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Description |
The listing of ReadyFlow Definitions in the DataFlow Catalog in this CDP Tenant Returned: always |
The CRN of this readyflow when it is imported to the CDP Tenant Use this readyflowCrn to address this object when doing deployments Returned: when readyflow imported is True |
The details of the ReadyFlow object Returned: always |
Author of the most recent version. Returned: always |
The ready flow description (long). Returned: always |
The ready flow data destination. Returned: always |
The ready flow data destination format. Returned: always |
A link to the ready flow documentation. Returned: always |
Whether the ready flow has been imported into the current account. Returned: always |
The timestamp the entry was last modified. Returned: always |
The DataFlow Flow Definition’s name. Returned: always |
Optional notes about the ready flow. Returned: always |
The CRN of this readyflow in the Control Plane Different to the addedReadyflowCrn of the imported readyflow within the CDP Tenant Use this readyflowCrn when importing the object to your CDP Tenant Returned: always |
The ready flow data source. Returned: always |
The ready flow data source format. Returned: always |
The ready flow summary (short). Returned: always |
The list of artifactDetail versions. Returned: When imported is True |
The author of the artifact. Returned: always |
The bucketIdentifier of the flow. Returned: always |
Comments about the version. Returned: always |
The artifact version CRN. Returned: always |
The number of deployments of the artifact. Returned: always |
The timestamp of the artifact. Returned: always |
The version of the artifact. Returned: always |
Returns the captured CDP SDK log. Returned: when supported |
Returns a list of each line of the captured CDP SDK log. Returned: when supported |